Church Leaders

As a youth group leader or Sunday School teacher you have the opportunity to:
- provide a listening ear and words of wisdom
- provide teaching to back up and supplement parental teaching
- inform parents about the sexual pressures teens face
- help to form a “positive peer pressure” group
provide an example of holy living
As a pastor, you can:
- train parents to teach their children about sexual matters
- preach the Word of God on sexuality, regularly and with clarity
- maintain a library containing materials on sex for parents and for teens
- promote a high view of marriage and family
As a pastor-in-training you need to be thinking about how you will:
- integrate sex education into your preaching and teaching
- train lay leaders of your church to encourage and equip parents to teach their own children and to supplement parental sex education
- challenge the members of your congregation to find ways of reaching out to the community with this same teaching in order to counteract the destructive messages all teens are receiving from society
I point you to biblical passages that can be applied specifically to teen sexuality, and to other resources that will help you to talk with your teens and inform parents.
Here you can find help and inspiration. Sex education is an essential element in discipling youth.
"Scripture speaks of virgins and a Virgin Birth, of the erotic and the carnal, of heterosexual and homosexual behaviors, of the body and the flesh. Does the youth group your son or daughter attends ever address these issues? If not, ... the weekly newsmagazines do, their peers do..."