As this French mother researched this issue she came to see that accepting without question a young girl’s claim to be “Trans” was a “horrifying” perspective. She saw “that my daughter was being rushed down a highly dangerous path. I found also that as girls like my daughter hurtle down this road they are encouraged at all turns.
Abigail Shrier describes in detail how social media rushes troubled girls into “transitioning”and how ready medical professionals are to affirm the self-diagnosis of young girls and begin treatment on request.
In “Let’s protect our daughters!” the French mother documents a growing resistance movement against this Trans ideology.
“Be careful,” Moses said to the Israelites, “or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them” (Deuteronomy 11:16). Children and teens today are also being threatened by the surrounding culture. They are being enticed by false teaching, especially in sex education in state schools, and by social media, often with disastrous consequences.
As parents you need to be aware of what your children are being taught about gender and you must make sure they know the truth before they hear the ideology. Talk with your teens about this issue.
As teachers you need to know the facts and give your students opportunities to critically examine what they hear about gender.
What is the truth about gender? What do you need to know in order to guide teens?
Related posts
Gender Dysphoria — Links to Barbara’s posts
Other resources
Abigail Shrier, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters