“Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds … Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 11:18-19).
These were God’s instruction to Israelite parents, through Moses, as they wandered in the wilderness on their way to the Promised Land. They are also for you today, as Christian parents. God wants you to teach his commandmentst to your children and discuss them regularly with your teens — including his instructions about their bodies and their relationships.
Teachers, you must somehow let your students know the truth about sex and relationships, what we know from science.
Today, in the majority of state schools, and in many private schools as well, ideology often replaces biblical truth and scientific facts, particularly in the teaching of sex and relationships.
Gender ideology is currently of particular concern. A mother in France writes, “I am a French mother whose teenage daughter recently announced to me that she was gender dysphoric and wanted hormones. Being left-wing politically oriented, a feminist, and sensitive to the rights of minorities, I first thought my daughter had to be supported in the difficult path to transition. I find this is a common first thought. But after researching the issue, I discovered a completely different – and terrifying indeed — perspective – that my distressed daughter was being rushed down a highly dangerous path. I found also, that, as girls like my daughter hurtle down this road they are encouraged at all turns … “ This mother warns: “You may not feel concerned by this story… But … the trans wave is now … and we need to be vigilant and aware.”
In the last decade this Transgender phenomenon has increased exponentially, worldwide, by more than 1500% in some countries to more than 4000% in others, especially among young girls. This is happening, says the author, “in a context where the media, the educational sphere and the medical world are largely and woefully misinformed, and generally sympathetic to trans claims of marginalization to the exclusion of other perspectives.”
At one private school parents of middle school students are informed that in the sex education Unit on Puberty “[s]tudents will explore how their perspectives might change and how this affects the choices they make with regard to their own identities and relationships with others.”
What might this involve? As parents, you should ask.
To be continued
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