“When it comes to media content,” Walt Mueller asks young people in the Preview of his 3D Guide to making wise media choices, “how do you personally judge what’s ‘good’ media or ‘bad’ media?” The first step is to discover its message. Having done that for “Montero”, the next step is:
Discerning how it stands in light of the biblical message / world view
“At its start, ‘Montero‘ depicts the reality of God’s good Creation, void of sin with all things being how God intended them to be. It portrays the limits set by God on our first parents, who were told not to eat of the fruit of the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil, ‘for you shall surely die’ (Genesis 2:16&17). But when our first parents rebelliously ate of the tree, we are told that their eyes were opened and they were full of shame, leading them to hide from God
(Genesis 3). In ‘Montero’, Lil Nas X does not seek redemption and a restored relationship with God. Rather, he chooses to embrace evil as the path to freedom. The Scriptures are clear, that this is not the way to freedom and
flourishing. We must turn from our sin and come to the Father through a relationship with Jesus Christ, who is ‘the way, the truth, and the life’ (John 14:6).
“. . . the adversary prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Rather than choosing to live into our sin, we must be committed to mortifying our sin.”
“Contrary to the cultural narrative promoted by Lil Nas X, God has established male and female as the gender binary, with marriage being established in the Garden as a life-long monogamous covenant between one man and one woman.”
To be continued
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