Some professionals are speaking out, telling the truth — the biological and medical facts of sex and gender and the “affirmative” protocol for treating gender-confused children and adolescents. Many are losing their jobs and sometimes their licences to practice as a result.
Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, speaker, and author, is one. In the “What is a woman?” documentary she comments passionately on the statements of other professionals interviewed.
Dr. Debra Soh is another. She is a sexology and neuroscience researcher who left her university position and became a scientific journalist in order to speak out. She knew that even tenure could not protect her position if she told the truth about Transgender ideology. In an interview on Triggernometry she admitted that she too had “once believed this ideology. “That’s what I was told,” she said. “I had never heard anything else.” Once she began researching the issue she realized how wrong and dangerous this ideology is. Coming from a scientific perspective she can see that this view denies the truth of what we are as male and female human beings. Conversation about gender identity is being stifled; we need to talk. “When children and adolescents are gender-confused there are often mental health conditions. We need to ask what else is going on.”
Dr. Jillian Spencer, an Australian child psychiatrist, questioned the use of puberty blockers without an appropriate mental health assessment and was suspended from clinical duties. Her suspension “sparked calls for a public inquiry into whether children are being rushed into gender reassignment treatment.” University of Queensland Law Professor Patrick Parkinson, who called for the inquiry, said the case raises concern about the management of the hospital. “We have a leading psychiatrist being silenced potentially from raising these issues in her hospital. Is she being targeted because like doctors all over the world she is raising serious issues about young people in her care? . . . What is really a medical issue, a mental health issue, a child protection issue has been caught up in the politics of LGTBQI rights and that is a dangerous mix,” he said.
Is the tide turning? Will we again be able to say that girls are different from boys? That a girl cannot be remade into a boy, and a boy cannot be remade into a girl?
Will your children be able to say in their classroom, without fear of reprisal, that there are only two sexes? As they know from the bible to be true: that God created human beings either male or female. In his image, different and complementary (Genesis 1:27).
Related link
Walt Heyer, “Explore your ACEs with a therapist”
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In their own words — What professionals are saying
In their own words — What professionals are saying Part II
Transgender — Links to Barbara’s posts