“Nobody saves sex for marriage any more.” You probably hear that statement from time to time, especially when you talk with your teens about biblical teaching on sex. Or maybe in your part of the world you don’t hear it … Continue reading
What is sex for? What the Bible says
How does the Bible answer the question “What is sex for?” The first three answers come from the first two chapters of the book of Genesis: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he … Continue reading →
Speaking Out
Before I even began to speak, one of the young seminary students asked, “How can we know what is right and wrong in sex? We only know what we see in the movies or on TV or on the Internet. … Continue reading →
Why This Web Site?
If our teenagers are to be light and salt in their own environment, someone must help them make sense of sexuality. Lewis Penhall Bird For just a moment, let’s turn back the clock: A young man and a young woman … Continue reading →
The Pastor and Teen Sex Education
by Barbara M. Kohl, D. Min. Originally published in Portuguese under the title “O pastor e a educação sexual de adolescents,” Chapter 8 in Manfred Waldemar Kohl and Antonio Carlos Barro (eds), Aconselhamento Cristão Transformador (Londrina, Brazil: Descoberta, 2006). Note: The … Continue reading →
The Role of the Church in Sex Education
2006 by Barbara M. Kohl, D. Min. “Scripture speaks of virgins and a Virgin Birth, of the erotic and the carnal, of heterosexual and homosexual behaviors, of the body and the flesh. Does the youth group your son or daughter … Continue reading →