In most secular school systems there will be many elements in the sex education curriculum that are contrary to biblical teaching. As a Christian teacher, this will be problematic for you. There will be other elements that will concern you … Continue reading
Secular school sex education Part I: A word to parents
Is your 11-year-old ready for his or her school’s teaching about sex? In many secular school systems in the Western world there is teaching on sex from the beginning grades. In 5th grade, however, it is particularly important for you … Continue reading →
Marriage as an Article of Exchange, Marriage without a Certificate, Sexual License… and a Liberating Biblical Perspective
by Nicola Vollkommer As a teenager in a girls’ boarding school, in every free moment I played the hits of the famous Swedish pop group ABBA. In the few precious hours on the weekend in which we were permitted to … Continue reading →
Ehe als Tauschware. Ehe ohne Trauschein. Sexuelle Beliebigkeit … und eine befreiende biblische Sicht
von Nicola Vollkommer Als Teenager in einem Mädcheninternat trällerte ich in jeder freien Minute die Hits der berühmten schwedischen Popgruppe ABBA. In den paar kostbaren Stunden an den Wochenenden, in denen wir Musik hören durften, drehten wir die flotten … Continue reading →
What is sex for?
Answers given to students in secular schools: 14. In a curriculum, “To help develop a healthy personality, enhance quality of life, foster personal growth, and contribute to a fulfilled life.” 15. In a sex education text, “For health. We’re made for sex, so it’s unhealthy to … Continue reading →
What is sex for?
Answers from four professionals: 10. A psychiatrist, “A rite of passage into adulthood.” 11. A sexologist, “For healthy personality development.” 12. A professor of philosophy, “You decide. You determine your own meaning for it.” 13. An American theologian, “To communicate. … Continue reading →